News And Events

COVID-19 Situation Update


As we have indicated in previous updates, our efforts to keep our residents and staff safe have resulted in no CoVid-19 exposure.  Sadly, we must now convey that we have had a small outbreak in our RenVilla care center.  We have prepared for weeks for this event and that preparation has placed us in an excellent position to handle the outbreak.  All residents and employees have now been tested for CoVid-19 and we have already received a majority of those results. 

The residents testing positive for CoVid-19 have been transferred to our segregated unit where they will receive all the cares required to see them through this illness.  Today, we have 3 number of residents in our segregated unit. 

In addition to these residents who tested positive, we have 1 staff self-quarantining at home due to a pending or positive COVID-19 test.

 Tests PositiveTests NegativeTests PendingTotal Tested
Meadows on Main0000
Prairie View0000
As of 06/12/2020

As a reminder, staff that work in our segregated unit will not care for residents outside of the unit or interact with any employees that are providing direct care to residents outside of the unit. All staff in the segregated unit will be equipped with N95 masks, face shields, gowns, and foot covers. Staff will enter and exit the segregated unit from a separate door to prevent exposure to the rest of our care center, residents and employees. 

As you may have heard care centers in MN have been provided guidelines in which they can open up their beauty salons.  Unfortunately, with the confirmed cases of COVID-19 within our care center, we will not be allowed to resume salon services at this time.

A few of the activities that we have planned for the week ahead to keep residents engaged and connected: Facetime Visits, Devotions, Happy Hour, Trivia, Coloring Contests, Guessing Game Competitions, Etc.

We appreciate all the support, prayers, and offers of help that we’ve received. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact Casie Knoshal at 320 329-4373.

Confirmed Staff with COVID-19 in RenVilla

Dear Family and Friends,

As of 6/9/2020, we have an employee in our RenVilla building who has tested positive for COVID-19.  As a result, that employee will be self-isolating for 14 days. We have also been working with our area providers to complete facility wide testing that will be completed following MDH Guidelines. Our top priority is to keep everyone safe and healthy. We are collaborating with our Medical Director and the Minnesota Department of Health and are following all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps at this time.

Staff who test positive will be quarantined at home and will not be allowed to return to work until they recover from the virus, symptom free (7 days from onset or 3 days post last symptom) and pass the employee screening protocols. To prevent transmission, our staff are equipped with specific training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to provide safe, quality care, services and support to the residents of our community.

As we’ve shared several times, in early March, we initiated proactive infection control practices, screening procedures and visitor restrictions that will help us manage this situation as effectively as possible and protect the safety and health of all who live and work here.

We will continue to update you on any news, emerging issues, or additional changes in our operations via Bright Arrow, email, website, and our Facebook page.

We know that this news may concern you or that you may have questions about what we are doing to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at (320) 329-4373 or 


Casie Knoshal


Renville Health Services

Confirmed COVID-19 in RenVilla

Dear Family and Friends

Although not unexpected, as of 6/9/2020, we have a resident in our RenVilla Building who has tested positive for COVID-19.  This event triggers a planned process of isolation to a segregated area to aggressively minimize transmission to others. Our top priority is to keep everyone safe and healthy. We are collaborating with our Medical Director and the Minnesota Department of Health and are following all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps at this time.

The isolated area is segregated from the rest of our community and designated staff remain within the area who do not have physical contact with other non-segregated residents. Any staff who may test positive as a result of working within the segregated area will be quarantined at home and will not be allowed to return to work until they recover from the virus, symptom free (7 days from onset or 3 days post last symptom) and pass the employee screening protocols. Our staff are equipped with specific training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to continue to provide safe, quality care, services and support to the residents of our community.

As we’ve shared several times, in early March, we initiated proactive infection control practices, screening procedures and visitor restrictions that will help us manage this situation as effectively as possible and protect the safety and health of all who live and work here.

We will continue to update you on any news, emerging issues, or additional changes in our operations via Bright Arrow, email, website, and our Facebook page.

We know that this news may concern you or that you may have questions about what we are doing to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at (320)329-4373 or 


Casie Knoshal


Renville Health Services

Outdoor Visits

We continue to have no known cases of Coronavirus in our care centers. The health and wellness of the people we serve and our staff continue to be our top priority. You may know that our staff provide one-on-one companionship to residents and many creative hallway and door to door activities are conducted to help boost resident spirits, contributing positively to their mental health and well-being.

As the weather improves, we receive many questions regarding outdoor visits. You may have heard restrictions for socializing are beginning to ease in Minnesota and businesses have been allowed to open in outside environments or other restrictions.  However, the state and federal guidelines for us have not yet changed. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) continue to advise no care center visits or open window visits at this time.

As of right now, we are continuing scheduled, closed window visits with residents. We also encourage alternative means of communicating with residents such as phone calls, Facebook, Skype, etc. We have obtained additional equipment to meet the demands of these virtual visits and staff are able to assist residents as needed. We are very grateful to families for their understanding as they help us to do everything we can to put the well-being of your loved ones and others who reside with us above all else; even when compliance with the rules keeps you from personal contact. 

Directions and guidance from governmental agencies are changing daily and we are preparing for the day we are able to lift these restrictions with specific visiting guidelines in their place. St. Francis Health Services has formed a committee, made up of care center leadership, charged with developing methods in which we could safely allow person to person visits, identifying the barriers that exist and brainstorming methods in which we could mitigate risk of our residents’ exposure.

Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care centers can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Visitor Restrictions Update

With the days becoming warmer, our residents have been able to enjoy being outside more. While outdoors, residents are accompanied by staff and follow strict social distancing protocols requesting residents wear masks.

As you may have heard many senior living communities in Minnesota are conducting entire site testing of both residents and staff. The priority for the entire site testing has been those locations where there has been an outbreak.  Throughout this pandemic, we have followed governmental guidelines and test residents that display symptoms similar to the Coronavirus-19 symptoms or have been exposed to employees who have been directly exposed in their personal lives to Covid-19. As of today, none of those tests results have been positive for Covid-19. In the event we do get a confirmed case in our care center, we are prepared to complete entire site testing. Residents and family will be consulted prior to any testing.

We continue to evaluate visiting restrictions, salon services and group worship. There is discussion at the state level regarding when these services should be allowed but we are encouraged to stay the course knowing those we care for are at higher risk for developing more serious complications.  The Minnesota Department of Health is gathering data from the implementation of expanded testing as to the level of ongoing community transmission as part of its process to potentially revise guidelines in visitation. We do know that any decision to lessen visitor restrictions will be accompanied by requirements to protect our residents and staff and prevent potential transmission of this virus. 

We will continue to provide updates to you to keep you informed of our ongoing work. Help us keep family and loved ones informed by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Stay Safe MN

Since the pandemic first began, our staff have been working tirelessly to prevent transmission within our care centers and prepare for the day we provide care for those who test positive. As of today, we still have no known cases of Coronavirus in our care centers. We carefully monitor all residents for symptoms, screen all staff at the beginning of each shift, use PPE, and conduct audits of our infection control practices, providing further education as needed. 

It is expected the new Stay Safe directive from Governor Walz which involves steps to re-open Minnesota, as well as the President’s desire to open our communities, will increase the spread of COVID-19 in the weeks ahead. We remain committed to taking all precautionary measures to restrict this spread of the virus in our care centers. Because those we care for are at high-risk for COVID-19 infection, federal and state guidelines restrict us from relaxing rules for visiting and other group activities at this time. 

We, like you, are anxious for a time where visitors are warmly welcomed in our settings and warm smiles and human touch are not masked or guarded.  We know this is a difficult time for all concerned and that we continue to do all that we can to connect our residents and families in a safe way.

Additional updates and information on our preparedness for COVID-19 can be found on our website ( or Facebook page.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

5 Point Plan

Last week Governor Waltz announced a 5 Point Plan to support residents and long-term care providers. He has addressed the need for more testing, personal protective equipment and adequate staffing in senior care settings. We are realistic about this challenge. As testing expands, more cases will be discovered. We will need to depend on this statewide collaboration to address the growing care needs. The 5 Point Plan includes:

  • Expanded testing for residents and staff.
  • Providing testing support.
  • Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Ensure adequate staffing levels.
  • Leverage partnerships with local public health.

This week Governor Waltz announced Minnesota will let the Stay at Home Order expire on May 18th, 2020. Minnesota will follow up with a Stay Safe MN Order. Following this order, we continue to social distance and remain closed to visitors to protect all who live and work within our communities.

As of today, there have been no known cases of Coronavirus in our care centers. We continue to follow all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). This week residents and staff celebrated National Skilled Nursing Care Week. The usual dress up days, treats, and festivities were held despite the pandemic. Residents and staff have embraced the change and have created new norms in our communities.

As always, updates and information on our preparedness for COVID-19 can be found on our website ( or Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

5/07/2020 Update

As of today, there have been no known cases of Coronavirus in our care centers. We continue to follow all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Staff are completing full vital signs daily on our residents. Temperature checks and respiratory assessments are being done on separate shifts. All staff continue to be screened before coming into work and are required to wear masks and eye protection. In the event we do have a confirmed case in our community, we will notify our residents, family members, and our staff. We will also be reporting any COVID-19 infections to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Minnesota has successfully slowed the spread of the virus during the Governor’s stay at home mandate. This has given us time to prepare and plan for the possibility of an outbreak in our communities. We have sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) to provide protection for your loved ones and staff. Although the idea of a loved one or staff being diagnosed with COVID-19 may be scary, we want to assure you, we are prepared.

Last week Governor Waltz extended the stay at home order through May 18th, 2020. We continue to encourage all visitors to follow the stay at home mandate. If you choose not to and are planning to make a window visit with your loved one, we ask that you call ahead so we can assist the resident during the visit. We appreciate our residents and their family members for adapting to the precautions we have set in place to ensure everyone’s safety. As always, updates and information on our preparedness for COVID-19 can be found on our website ( or Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Coronavirus Update

As of today, there have been no known cases of Coronavirus in our care centers. We continue to follow all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). This week we implemented another layer of defense in our care centers; our direct care staff will not only be wearing masks while on duty, but also protective eyewear. We continue to do everything we can to ensure the safety of our residents and staff.  We are continuously researching best practices to maximize our infection control protocols for the segregated COVID-19 units within our buildings in the event they are utilized.  These protocols include:

  • Using N95 respirators and PPE for all staff working with COVID-19 patients.
  • Enforcing strict donning and doffing PPE procedures.
  • Ensuring we have sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Designating strict travel paths and entrances/exits for staff.
  • Assuring extensive communication internally and externally.
  • Ensuring we have appropriate staffing levels.

As you may be aware, the Governor has allowed some non-essential businesses in Minnesota to return to work. While restrictions are being lifted for some businesses, the Stay At Home Order is still in place and the best option.  Our care centers continue to restrict visitations.  Please be assured our activities staff continue to find creative ways to entertain and engage our residents while maintaining social distancing. Pictures and updates of your loved ones activities can be seen on our care center’s Facebook page.  In addition, all information regarding our Planning and Preparedness for Coronavirus can be found on our website ( We encourage you to reach out to us with any questions and concerns.

4/22/2020 Cohorting Update

            This week we have implemented another recommendation from the Minnesota Department of Health. We are asking all residents to wear surgical masks while receiving care from our staff in their rooms and while they are in any common areas. This is another preventative measure to ensure the safety of our residents and staff.

            As of today, there are no known cases of Coronavirus in our care centers. We continue to monitor all residents and staff for signs and symptoms of illness that could indicate a COVID-19 infection. In an effort to be transparent, we wanted to share our plans with you in the event there may be an outbreak in our care center. While we hope that we are not impacted by COVID-19, we are prepared for it.

  • We will follow all recommendations by the Minnesota Department of Health, CMS and CDC.
  •  If a resident has a confirmed case, the resident – unless they are hospitalized – will be transferred within our care center to our designated isolation unit. The entrance to this unit will be used only for these residents and the staff that will work in this area.
  • Once the resident is placed in isolation they will receive the recommended levels of care from designated staff who will not have contact with other residents in our care center.
  • We will contact the family members of residents who are placed in isolation as soon as possible.
  • We will also contact residents and families (the first-listed responsible party) by telephone, letter, or Bright Arrow text that we have a confirmed case in our care center. Please ensure we have updated contact information in your loved one’s medical record.

            We truly appreciate your continued support and understanding as we navigate through this pandemic. We will update you as this situation progresses. Feel free to forward this letter on to family and friends that wish to stay informed and remember to follow us on Facebook and our website ( for more updates. As always, reach out to us with any questions or concerns.