News And Events

COVID Positive Employee at Renvilla

On the evening of 08/25/2020, we received notification that an employee who works at the RenVilla tested positive for Covid-19. This employee is at home on quarantine. No residents are positive at this time.

As a result of potential exposure, we are initiating facility wide quarantine with transmission-based precautions for all residents at the RenVilla. This is a precaution used to reduce any potential transmission within the building. Unfortunately, this means we will need to stop all patio visits and beautician visits at this time. In addition, we will initiate another round of point-prevalence-testing. We believe this is the best way to protect residents, staff, and our community.

We will continue to follow all recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

We will continue to promptly notify all residents, their family contact, and our staff of any changes. We will continue to update the community on our status as well as our ongoing work to prevent the spread of COVID-19 via our website ( If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at (320) 329-4373 or

Weekly Update

As of today, we still have no new cases of Coronavirus in our buildings (RenVilla, ERC, MOM, PV). We continue to follow the recommended guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Minnesota Department of Health. We carefully monitor all residents for symptoms, screen all staff at the beginning of each shift, use PPE, and conduct audits of our infection control practices, providing further education as needed. 

COVID-19 is still being contagiously transmitted throughout our state. It’s important to keep in mind that our residents are highly vulnerable to the virus and are the most at risk if they are infected.  It is our policy to continually evaluate the presence of positive COVID-19 cases in our communities and nearby counties. We are carefully considering our options regarding visitation, evaluating our policies and protocols and will update you weekly. In the meantime, please contact Casie Knoshal at 320-329-4373 or by email at with any questions or concerns.

Currently, visiting with your loved one can be done through scheduled patio visits, open window visits, and closed window visits. We also encourage alternative means of communicating with residents such as phone calls, Facebook, Skype, etc. To schedule your visit, call Deb Vizecky at (320) 329-4373 or email at .

Looking for ways to help? We have a variety of positions available with flexible scheduling and training. Please contact Natasha Segelstrom at (320) 329-4371 or email at, for more information or visit to apply.

Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care centers can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Weekly Update

As of 08/14/2020, we have no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our care center or housing buildings. We continue to follow the recommended guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Minnesota Department of Health, and take all appropriate measures and doing everything possible to protect the health and wellness of all who live and work here.

This week, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) issued guidance that outlines criteria and makes recommendations on how we can safely re-open our care centers to visitors while continuing to protect the health of our residents and staff.  MDH is allowing individual communities to make the final decision on re-opening to visitors, based on each care center’s unique situation.

Resuming visitation in our care center is a difficult decision because it will increase exposure to the virus, and our residents are at higher risk of complications if exposed to COVID-19.  Yet, we also know that the ongoing separation from family and friends and feelings of isolation can have a negative impact on our residents. The threat of this devastating and deadly virus is still with us. Minnesota is experiencing an increase in the number of positive cases in areas across our state, which can pose a greater risk of exposure to both our residents and our staff.

The MDH guidance has specific criteria that we will evaluate to determine when we can safely re-open our care center to visitation. It also applies to when we may need to restrict visitation based on the status and risk of exposure to COVID-19 for our residents and staff. 

We will be evaluating this guidance and our commitment to protect our residents and staff and will keep you informed of our progress. Please know there are several key factors to consider and requirements that we must meet before we can open our doors and welcome visitors again. This includes ensuring adequate personal protective equipment and staffing, a testing plan, diligent infection control practices that includes facemasks and social distancing for all staff, residents, and visitors, and the status of COVID-19 in: our building, our community, and our county.

We deeply appreciate the sacrifices you have made to limit the impact of COVID-19 on our community and your patience as we prepare our care center to host safe visitation and other activities. Our entire team looks forward to seeing you again as families, friends and volunteers are the foundation of what makes our community so special.

If you or someone you know are interested in becoming a healthcare hero, visit We have a variety of positions to start or continue your career in senior care. Plus, you can enjoy flexible scheduling and compelling benefits including a sign-on bonus, as you care for our seniors on the front lines of this pandemic.

Residents continue to enjoy one on one activities with staff as well as small group activities while socially distancing and wearing surgical face masks. Visiting with your loved one can be done virtually, open or closed window, and outdoor patio visits. We ask that you schedule your visits ahead of time due to high demand, staffing and the safety of our residents.

Thank you again for partnering with us in fighting the COVID-19 virus. Please do not hesitate to contact Casie Knoshal, Administrator at 320-329-4373 or at if you have any questions or concerns.

Casie Knoshal


  Renville Health Services

   Phone: (320) 329-4373

   Fax: (320) 329-3678

Essential Visitors Coming Soon!

As we have stated in previous updates, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is now permitting long-term care settings to institute an Essential Caregiver program that would allow designated individuals to provide care and support to their loved one. This program is a recommendation, not a mandate or a requirement.

The safety and health of our residents and staff has guided our work throughout the pandemic. We have felt the impact of social isolation on our residents’ wellbeing and are thankful MDH has moved forward to allow Essential Caregivers in long-term care settings as one option to provide personal care and meaningful connection between residents and their loved ones. This guidance represents the next step in encouraging safe and responsible visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 We are currently reviewing the guidance developed by MDH and are preparing policies and ensuring proper protective measures are in place prior to initiating this program. We will continue to actively monitor the presence of COVID-19 in our setting and the broader community, and will review our policies on a weekly basis to decide when to safely implement Essential Caregivers in our setting.

Our primary goal from when we first learned that the coronavirus was spreading through our state was to protect our residents and staff from this deadly virus.  We at Renville Health Services have implemented and are maintaining infection control practices that have allowed us to effectively control and manage the spread of COVID-19 in our setting. As of 6/25/2020, we have had no knew cases of COVID-19 in our care center. Meadows on Main and Prairie View continue to have no cases. We remain cautious in modifying our visitation policies to protect the health and safety of our staff and residents. We ask for your patience and understanding as we continue to do all we can to provide safe, quality care and support our residents.

We know that you are eager to find out if you qualify as an essential caregiver. We ask for your patience and understanding as we develop a plan to move forward and determine when to initiate Essential Caregivers. Watch for additional details in the updates to come. In the meantime, we encourage you to take advantage of our other visitation opportunities. To schedule a virtual visit, closed or open window visits and outdoor patio visits please contact:

  • RenVilla – Deb Vizecky at (320) 329-4374
  • MOM – Deb Wertish at (320) 329-3788
  • PV – Lisa McColley at (320) 848-2093

For any questions or concerns, please contact Casie Knoshal, Administrator at 320 329-7373. Additional information on our planning and preparedness can be found on our website at

Partner With us to Protect our Residents & Staff

As of 07/24/2020, we have no known cases of COVID-19 in our care center. You continue to be a key partner in keeping our residents and staff safe.  We have made incredible progress together in slowing the spread of the virus, but the threat is still very real and we have seen the devastating impact this virus has on our industry. We stand with Governor Walz and ask you to continue to partner with us in wearing a face mask when unable to social distance. This face mask is a simple and effective way we can protect our dedicated staff and those who are most at-risk for this virus.

The COVID Pandemic has created new employment opportunities in our care center for people wanting to help our most at-risk population combat this virus. If you or someone you know may be interested in working side by side with us as we truly make a difference in the lives of our residents, call Natasha at 320-329-4371 or visit for more information.

One of the most difficult things about COVID-19 for our residents has been the prolonged separation from families and loved ones. We recognize the critical role family members and other outside caregivers, such as friends, volunteers, private personal caregivers, often have in the care and support of our residents.

Realizing both the potential benefits of the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) new Essential Caregiver program and risks of allowing additional essential caregivers into the building, we are carefully considering this guidance as well as other criteria such as the current status of COVID-19 in our setting and local communities and the overall health and safety of all who live and work here. At a briefing by Governor Walz this week, it was shared that 24% of Minnesota’s 368 nursing homes currently have an outbreak, which is defined by MDH as having at least one case. In the 1,692 Minnesota assisted living settings, only 8% currently have an outbreak. We ask for your patience as we review this data and MDH’s guidance and determine our next steps in terms of how it aligns with our infection control practices and diligent commitment we have to combat this virus.

Please know that it is our policy to continually evaluate the presence of positive COVID-19 cases in our communities and nearby counties and recognize the desire and need of our residents and their loved ones to be connected in a more meaningful way. We are carefully considering our options, evaluating our policies and protocols and sharing updated information with you as frequent as possible. In the meantime, please reach out to Casie, Administrator at 320-329-4373 or if you have any questions.

Best Practices for Infection and Prevention Control (IPC)

Renville Health Services is thrilled to announce that after 2 weeks of no new additional cases of CoVid-19, we will no longer do weekly point prevalence testing. We have no residents in our segregated unit and all staff that previously tested positive have been declared CoVid-free and are able to work.

In the past week, we have introduced new opportunities for more meaningful connections for our residents and loved ones through open window visits and outdoor patio visits.  We ask that you schedule your virtual visits, open window visits, and patio visits ahead of time due to high demand and safety of our residents. Our entire team enjoys seeing our residents and loved ones visiting, but what to remind you that you are a key partner in helping our residents and staff remain safe. Please wear a mask at all times, social distance from your loved one and other visitors, and refrain from having any physical contact with your loved one during your visit.

We continue to follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) regarding infection and prevention control (IPC).  The following list identifies best practices currently in place at our care center:

Visitor Restrictions:

  • Indoor person to person visits are not allowed unless considered under the Compassionate Visit criteria.  Alternative opportunities for visits by appointment include,
    • Virtual visits.
    • Open or closed window visits with social distancing.
    • Outdoor patio visits with social distancing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as required upon visitor successfully passing the visitor screening. All outdoor visits must be monitored by staff.
  • Volunteers.  In some cases, volunteers have been specially trained and specifically assigned screening or monitoring duties and have limited access to the care center with PPE use.
  • Non-essential health care providers (HCP).  In some cases, depending on ability to use telehealth methods and certain procedures required, HCP are allowed access.

Other Infection Control Practices

  • Residents are monitored for signs and symptoms of respiratory infection.
    • Resident(s) presenting with respiratory symptoms consistent with CoVid-19 will be recommended for testing and quarantined while awaiting test results.
    • Dependent on outcomes, point prevalence testing (PPT) of the entire resident population and employees will be implemented.
  • Residents are quarantined
    • upon admission,
    • if exposed to individuals with COVID-19 or those with exposure risk,
    • or upon return from medically emergent appointments out of the care center.  Some medically necessary appointments may not require quarantine upon re-entry to the care center.
  • Essential health care providers (HCP), who cannot use telehealth methods for treatment or are providing specific procedures will be allowed access using PPE and using specific ICP.
  • Essential HCP, Compassionate Criteria visits and employee entrance to the building will be limited to one location when possible.
  • Employees/contractors are screened upon entry and actively monitored while in the care center.
    • Any staff or contractor showing respiratory symptoms consistent with CoVid-19 will be asked to be tested and not allowed to enter the building and expected to quarantine at home while waiting for test results.
  • Social distancing is practiced throughout the building.
  • All Staff are required to wear PPE including a surgical masks and eye protection.    Additional PPE is required if a segregated unit is used or outbreak occurs.
  • Residents are required to wear masks while receiving cares or are out of their room, unless medically exempt.
  • All deliveries are left at the care center designated delivery door or in the vestibule where possible.
  • Cleaning protocols are met for COVID-19.

Updated information on our preparedness for COVID-19 can be found on our website ( or Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

No New Positive Cases of CoVid-19 for a 2nd Time

Date: 7/10/2020

Renville Health Services tested residents and staff who previously tested negative for CoVid-19 for the 5th time on Thursday July 9th, 2020. These results are reflected in the graph below. We had 0 new positive resident and 0 new positive staff. We currently have 3 residents in our segregated unit being treated by our designated staff and 0 staff still self-quarantining at home.

 Tests PositiveTests NegativeTests PendingTotal Tested
Meadows on Main0000
Prairie View0000

Following all recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, we will slowly be easing some precautions we introduced amid the active cases in RenVilla.

  • 07/13/2020 – Tentatively looking into discontinuing facility wide droplet precautions. This means staff will no longer be fully gowned in each resident room, and residents will be able to come out of their rooms individually to spend time outside for 1:1 activities with staff.
  • 07/15/2020 – Tentatively initiating scheduled, monitored, social distanced patio visits for residents and guests. More information on this will be coming shortly.
  • Once we no longer have residents in our COVID Unit, we plan to reintroduce beautician/salon visits for our residents.

Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care center can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Casie Knoshal


Renville Health Services

Phone: 320-329-4373

4th Round of Testing Results

Date: 7/6/2020

Renville Health Services tested residents and staff who previously tested negative for CoVid-19 for the 4th time on Thursday July 2nd, 2020. These results are reflected in the graph below. We had 0 positive resident and 0 positive staff. We will be testing again Thursday July 9th. We currently have 4 residents in our segregated unit being treated by our designated staff and 3 staff still self-quarantining at home.

 Tests PositiveTests NegativeTests PendingTotal Tested
Meadows on Main0000
Prairie View0000

We continue to follow all recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. As a reminder, because of the active cases in our care center, we are only allowing closed window visits and virtual visits at this time.

Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care center can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Casie Knoshal


  Renville Health Services

   Phone: (320) 329-4373

   Fax: (320) 329-3678

Testing Results for 3rd round of testing at RenVilla

Date: 6/27/2020

Renville Health Services tested residents and staff who previously tested negative for CoVid-19 for the 3rd time on Thursday June 25th, 2020. These results are included in the graph below. We had 1 positive resident and 0 positive staff. The notable improvement from the 2 weeks prior lead us to believe that the positive results will continue to decline. We will be testing again the next 2 Thursdays. We currently have 5 residents in our segregated unit being treated by our designated staff and 4 staff still self-quarantining at home.

 Tests PositiveTests NegativeTests PendingTotal Tested
Meadows on Main0000
Prairie View0000

We are working in collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Health and following all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to provide care for our residents in our segregated unit. We will continue to coordinate with our state and federal regulatory agencies to take the necessary steps to best protect residents and staff from this virus and prevent it from spreading any farther.

Due to the current CoVid-19 situation in RenVilla, we are providing scheduled, closed window visits with residents. We also encourage virtual visits. Staff are able to assist in these visits using (portable phones and tablets).

Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care center can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Casie Knoshal


  Renville Health Services

   Phone: (320) 329-4373

   Fax: (320) 329-3678

COVID-19 Situation Update


Renville Health Services began proactively testing all residents and staff of RenVilla on Thursday, June 11th after a resident showing symptoms, tested positive. All those who tested negative this past week were be tested again this today, Thursday, June 18th. We anticipate to have those results within 48 hours. We currently have 3 residents in our segregated unit, and 2 staff members self-quarantined at home. 

 Tests PositiveTests NegativeTests PendingTotal Tested
Meadows on Main0000
Prairie View0000

We continue to follow all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Residents are being monitored throughout all shifts. All staff continue to be screened prior to entering the building and are required to wear surgical masks and eye protection. Gowns are also being worn when in resident rooms.

In honor of Father’s Day this weekend, Renville Health Services would like to extend our appreciation to all Fathers for all they do and continue to do for us. Father’s Day is a time to honor the men who have influenced our lives and protected us when needed. This year, CoVid-19 precludes us from being together on this special day. We encourage you to visit virtually or through a window visit.  Staff are working diligently to meet the high demands for virtual visits and window visits. To ensure families are able to see their loved one during the upcoming Father’s Day and any other time, we ask that you contact the care center to schedule your window visit or virtual visit ahead of time.

Updated information on our planning and preparedness for Coronavirus and our activities within our care center can be found by visiting our website ( or our Facebook page. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.